Q: How long has Champion Instruments been in business?
A: Champion Instruments was launched in San Diego, California at the ACSM Surveyor’s Summit in 2011. Prior to our launch, we tested and developed our products for several years.
Q: How can I find a local dealer of Champion products?
A:Please go to the reseller's page on our website for the most current dealer locations.
Q: Can I buy direct from Champion Instruments?
A:No. Champion Instruments is committed to distribution through dealers and resellers. Please contact them for prices and availability.
Q: How can Champion sell their products at such a low cost?
A:Champion believes in our product and recognizes the consumer’s needs in today’s economy. We trust our high quality GPS/GNSS equipment because it is built on proven technology allowing us to provide customers with superior warranties and prices.
Q: Are Champion’s TKO radios compatible with my existing radios?
A:Yes. By matching the settings of your current radio, TKO will run on 450-470Mhz radios from Pacific Crest, Satel, Trimble or Javad.
Q: How can I get my hands on your products?
A: Call us at 678.386.2208, visit our reseller's page or visit Champion's booth at your State's Land Surveyor conferences. We also attend popular national conventions.
Q: How do I become a dealer?
A: Champion is always looking for more dealers! Please call us at 678.386.2208 for more information